Tag: health (Page 6 of 8)

Top Ten Tips for Staying Fit After 50

1. Find the form of exercise that works for you. For me that’s working out at the gym. For you, that may be dancing, jogging in the mornings, yoga, cycling, long, brisk walks or playing a sport.

2. Whatever exercise you are doing, prioritize trying to achieve the correct form. Be conscious of how you are doing the exercise. When I am walking or jogging, I try to be conscious of keeping my shoulders back and my spine straight.Use a mirror, ask your trainer or your exercise buddy to ensure that you are doing the exercise as correctly as you can. The more correctly you do it, the more benefit you will gain from it.

3. Be aware that as we get older, it takes increasingly more exercise to remain in good health and to achieve change. Therefore, make it a priority. Make time for it in a way that is sustainable for you, which will probably be a process of trial and error, but don’t give up.

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Striving to Balance the Necessary Demands of Caregiving and Paid Work with Rest and Renewal

This is another post that was originally written for mariasmind.com. It has been slightly revised for clarity and refreshed with new images.

Rest when you’re weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work. – Ralph Marston

Mental habits, well-worn patterns in our way of thinking and managing our lives, whether helpful or not, can become so ingrained that we do not always recognize how they affect us, until something happens that discombobulates us, upsets our apple cart. If the routines contribute something positive to our lives, whether it is some form of exercise, nurturing friendships or pastimes we enjoy, that is wonderful. Sometimes, however, it takes a kind, well-timed word to make us realize that our lives are out of whack. Although it can be hard to do, sometimes we must confront our misalignment when it begins to affect our sleep, our relationships, our overall state of mind. What to do?!

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