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The Friday Exhale: 5 Thoughts on the Week

Happy Friday! It’s here again, along with our weekly tidbits. We hope that something here will interest you, make you smile, and give you something to think about. Have a look and let us know in the comments. Have a wonderful day!

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Do you believe this of yourself? I find that I as I get older it’s getting easier to believe in myself. Maybe it’s because I am caring less and less about what other people think of me. Maybe it’s because life is pretty busy these days and I don’t even have time to think about what I think people are thinking of me. I’ve wasted far too much time worrying about other people’s opinions of me but now, I don’t care anymore. Well, I care far less than I used to.

A therapist once said to me that there are always going to be people in the world who are talking about me, but what they say is only their memory or their concept of me. It actually has little to do with who I am. This idea resulted in a shift in my thinking. It made me see that the chatter is all irrelevant. People talk. But I’m here living my life and one has very little to do with the other.

I love the story this woman tells in this video. I hear this woman speaking to me during those moments when I get too self-conscious and start worrying about how people perceive me. She’s telling me to let it go. Stop the worrying. Be myself. Be true to who I am and who I want to be because “other people’s perception of you, ain’t none of your business.” – Cris

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The Friday Exhale: 5 Thoughts on the Week

It has been another busy week, but we’ve been enjoying the unseasonably warm weather. Join us in looking back at what has captured our attention this week.

Three children in five years and a house to manage meant that multi-tasking, when possible, was often my goal. In other words, I would try to “kill two birds with one stone.” After one of my darling, sensitive children pointed out how cruel that sounded, our family shorthand became “doing the bird thing.”

I love this water bottle. Like gloves, I used to lose these things easily. This one, however, which travels with me everywhere, has stayed by my side since August, 2022, when I visited my daughter in England and saw a play at the Globe Theatre! It is a visual reminder that I have gotten better about hanging on to my belongings, and it also reminds me of possibly the best vacation I’ve ever had. “Doing the bird thing.” – Maria

Does your family have any shorthand that you use among yourselves?

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