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10 Thoughts at 64: Finding Balance, Perspective and Gratefulness

I couldn’t write about being 64 without including this song. Plus, it was on the Sgt. Pepper’s album, which was released in 1967!

Am I the only one?!

          My main takeaway or realization about being in my 65th year and rapidly approaching my 65th birthday is that I am grateful for all that is positive, supportive and loving in my life. There are times when it sure doesn’t feel like it, when I feel isolated, misunderstood and guilty, but inevitably I am able to keep putting one foot in front of the other because someone is kind or I see another hopeful sunrise . . . I worry that as I am getting older and balancing caregiving and work, with too little time for friends, family, home and my interests, I focus too much on what is difficult in my life. It is dragging me down into self-pity and turning me into a version of myself that I don’t like. To try and avoid being overwhelmed by sadness, I realize that, more and more, I am noticing all the big and little things that I am grateful for, such as two days of gorgeously warm weather in the middle of February and my understanding, helpful children who often help me turn my crabbiness into laughter. I am trying to nurture this more grateful approach to life so that it becomes a habit and helps me to laugh and feel better and more hopeful about myself and my life at 64, soon to be 65.

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The Friday Exhale: 5 Thoughts on the Week

This is my sewing machine and I love her. She’s a Singer Heavy Duty. (this is just my opinion, not a paid Singer advertisement) It is a basic sewing machine with nothing fancy about her at all, except the needle threader, which is a life saver. It was becoming so difficult to thread the needle with the previous machine, a vintage Singer 431g that I now have in storage. They called it the Slant-o-Matic. The machine is still highly regarded in the sewing community even now. I’m not ready to give her up yet because she still works. These old machines were made to last, but I found she wasn’t very reliable and threading the needle was becoming a task. Perhaps I’ll take her for a tune up and then maybe use her once in a while, just to keep her in good shape. Read this post to find out my sewing plans for 2024.

Was there a sewing machine in your home growing up? Did anyone in your home sew? Let me know in the comments. – Cris

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