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The Friday Exhale: 5 Thoughts on the Week

It’s so interesting about names and identity . . . a couple of thoughts about them:

My name is extremely common among Latin-based cultures. If it is anglicized to Mary or other versions such as Miriam or Mia, it is even more common. For example, in the United States, Mary was the most common name for females from 1923 – 2022. I did not like my name when I was growing up, because it was so common in my Italian immigrant neighbourhood, but I have been at peace with it for a long time.

Also, my children call me Mother instead of Mom or Mommy. I can’t remember why it began, but my oldest started it when he was little. It was probably connected to a story he read. For many years, I felt that I had to defend it to others. I thought they would think that I have a very formal, distant relationship with my children and that it was my wish to be called Mother. Nothing could be further from the truth. Now, I love hearing Mother come out of their mouths because I know they love me. – Maria

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The Wildwood Wrap Dress By Sew House Seven

The Wildwood Wrap Dress by Sew House Seven turned out wonderful but I had some difficult moments. Sewing the collar to the back panel was supposed to be the difficult part, but I found it went rather smoothly. The difficult steps for me came when adding the hem facing and attaching the bodice and skirt together. But I’m happy I made it and that it was challenging for me because I feel like I learned some new skills with this make. I ended up attaching the left and right hem facings backwards. I was able to make it work with a little patchwork fix, as I was not willing to undo everything and switch the pieces around. The French seams turned out well, especially around the collar where the “sew to the notch and pivot” areas came out surprising smooth and quick. In the end, I did have to rip out a few (many) stitches here and there but I expect that every time I make something.

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