Category: health & wellness (Page 2 of 5)

Running Down the Road at 65: Mother’s Day 10k Run

near the finish line: high five!

I completed another 10 km. run this past Sunday morning. I’m still so excited to have done it. Although I recently turned 65, I jogged the whole 10 kms. without stopping. I’m not very fast, mind you, but I did it. I’ve been comparing myself to the tortoise in the fable. Slow and steady, watching for the km. markers, gaining energy from the enthusiastic volunteers providing encouragement along the way. The stamina and physical strength that I have spent years regaining and boosting is tested again.

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Top Ten Tips for Staying Fit After 50

1. Find the form of exercise that works for you. For me that’s working out at the gym. For you, that may be dancing, jogging in the mornings, yoga, cycling, long, brisk walks or playing a sport.

2. Whatever exercise you are doing, prioritize trying to achieve the correct form. Be conscious of how you are doing the exercise. When I am walking or jogging, I try to be conscious of keeping my shoulders back and my spine straight.Use a mirror, ask your trainer or your exercise buddy to ensure that you are doing the exercise as correctly as you can. The more correctly you do it, the more benefit you will gain from it.

3. Be aware that as we get older, it takes increasingly more exercise to remain in good health and to achieve change. Therefore, make it a priority. Make time for it in a way that is sustainable for you, which will probably be a process of trial and error, but don’t give up.

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