I did not learn to ride a bike until I was 12. I think it was a combination of not being able to afford one and being a fearful little girl. However, once I did learn, I cycled a lot while I was a teenager; it was my main mode of transportation to part-time jobs. In the early years of adulthood and motherhood, I also rode my bike a lot: getting to work, riding with my children, and sometimes as a break from them. Many years passed, and then recently I have started riding again, although not nearly as often as I would like. I’m really going to make an effort to start doing it more regularly. Below are some of the places where Cris and I have enjoyed cycling, now and in the past.
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Self-care tip: If you are struggling, like me, maybe with burnout, maybe with anxiety or depression, or feeling overwhelmed or tired, a really helpful small step is to go outside for a walk. A walk through your neighbourhood or a nearby park is great. Even better, is to go to the countryside, the trees, the fresher air. Cris and I are fortunate to live close to trails, conservation areas, rivers and lakes. I do this not nearly often enough, but when I do, I am once again reminded of how much I enjoy it and how much it lifts my mood, even if only for a short while. One more thing to be grateful for.
If, for whatever reason, going outside is not possible right now, or you’re looking for another way to give yourself a break, here is another self-care tip:
Click on my face to hear my tip.