Author: Cris and Maria (Page 4 of 24)

Summer Sunday: Out and About, Riding a Bike in Canada and the U.S.

I did not learn to ride a bike until I was 12. I think it was a combination of not being able to afford one and being a fearful little girl. However, once I did learn, I cycled a lot while I was a teenager; it was my main mode of transportation to part-time jobs. In the early years of adulthood and motherhood, I also rode my bike a lot: getting to work, riding with my children, and sometimes as a break from them. Many years passed, and then recently I have started riding again, although not nearly as often as I would like. I’m really going to make an effort to start doing it more regularly. Below are some of the places where Cris and I have enjoyed cycling, now and in the past.

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The Friday Exhale: 5 Thoughts on the Week

I’m normally not overly enthusiastic about stars, the solar system and the different solar events that take place in the night sky, however, this year has been a bit different. There are a number of solar phenomenon in 2024. The total solar eclipse happened on April 8, and a partial lunar eclipse is expected to happen on September 17/18. The Perseid Meteor Shower is supposed to occur in a few days – August 13. Over the next few weeks a nova event is expected to occur in the night sky. This is when a white dwarf star attracts and pulls in enough solar material from a red giant star and the heat and pressure reach a tipping point and explode. Click here for a better explanation. The dwarf star is visible in the night sky at this moment.

All of these events make me think about how there is room enough for everyone to glow and all in our own time. – Cris

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