Author: Cris and Maria (Page 16 of 24)

The Friday Exhale: 5 Thoughts on the Week

Friday has – incredibly quickly- arrived again. Again, we have assembled five fun, personal, assorted tidbits that have made their way through our lives and minds this past week. Enjoy! and please comment!

This mat, passed up to me by my daughter, has been nagging me for a very long time to allow it to do its job. I have teased it over the past few years by using it now and then for even up to four days in a row! and then back in the corner it went. However, I am resolving once again to put it to daily use. It’s a rather late 65th birthday resolution, but I finally want to get more flexible and continue to have my children be proud of me that I can hold a five-minute plank!

The straight arm plank is easier for me. Have you ever tried to do one? What is your favourite exercise? – Maria

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The Friday Exhale: 5 Thoughts on the Week

me in a 60s convertible!

In case you’re wondering, no, I didn’t actually go for a drive in it, and, unfortunately, it definitely does not belong to me. I came across this photo on my phone and it made me smile, just like sitting behind the wheel of this vintage lovely did that day. A cheerful antidote to the yucky weather we’re having this week! Oh, and driving, or at least riding, in one of these is on my bucket list.

What is on your bucket list? Do you have one? – Maria

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