Author: Maria (Page 7 of 14)

Emotional Attachments: Is it Time for a Change?

Hi, everyone. This reflection, about change, my trip to London, England, and my mostly loyal old watch, was originally written and published in I have revised and updated it a little. By the way, as of today, the watch is still working!

   Our reaction to changes, big or small, wanted or unwanted, anticipated or unexpected, is mostly determined by our personalities and our previous experiences with change. I realize that regardless of how welcome or at least manageable the change is, it is still often exhausting. As a result,  I am always comforted, calmed by connections to what is familiar. Well-known, reassuring rituals, relationships and objects that have been with me for a long time help to keep my mind and life in reasonable balance.

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Running Down the Road at 65: Mother’s Day 10k Run

near the finish line: high five!

I completed another 10 km. run this past Sunday morning. I’m still so excited to have done it. Although I recently turned 65, I jogged the whole 10 kms. without stopping. I’m not very fast, mind you, but I did it. I’ve been comparing myself to the tortoise in the fable. Slow and steady, watching for the km. markers, gaining energy from the enthusiastic volunteers providing encouragement along the way. The stamina and physical strength that I have spent years regaining and boosting is tested again.

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